Data Dictionary

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Data Dictionary

This section provides information on using the data dictionary. The examples in this section show the processes of creating a database connection from the Report Designer, creating a data source to work with variables, and their use in reports.




When creating report templates, you should consider the value of the Retrieve Only Used Data property.



Each report contains the data dictionary. The data dictionary contains information about the data used to create reports. This information includes connections to databases, data sources, and their relations, variables, and business objects. Also, the report data dictionary may not have any information about the data, but the report will be rendered. The report data dictionary is displayed in the Dictionary panel. The picture below shows the Dictionary panel:



The Data Dictionary panel. It contains the necessary controls in the dictionary.

The Information panel. Displays information about the data as a tree.

The Settings panel. Used to enable/disable some options to work with the data dictionary.