Brush Property

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Brush Property


The Brush property is used to fill a background type and color in Series Labels. To change the background color and appearance of a Series Label use the Brush property within the Object Inspector.



Six types of Brushes are available within Stimulsoft Reports:








Below are representations of the results all six Brush types:


Empty. The background of a Series Label is transparent.

Solid. The background of a Series Label is filled with the color you specify.

Hatch. The background of a Series Label is filled with a texture. The background and foreground colors of the selected texture can be specified individually..

Gradient. The background of a Series Label is filled with gradient. A Start color, an End color, and a Gradient angle can be specified.

Glare. The background of a Series Label is filled using the Glare effect.

Glass. The background of a Series Label is filled using the Glass effect.


The Brush.Color property is used to change the Series Labels color. The picture below shows a sample of a chart with the Brush property set to Glare: