Using Functions in Expressions

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Using Functions in Expressions


Built-In Functions

Stimulsoft Reports has a large number of built-in functions available for you to use. You can access these functions directly from the data dictionary and within the Expression Editor. Examples of built-in functions and their usage would be:









{Trim(MyDataSource, MyDataColumn)}



In each case, the use of the Trim function removes leading and trailing spaces from the result shown in the report.


.NET Framework Methods

In addition to the built-in functions, you can use any available .Net Framework methods. For string expressions, you could use any of the following examples:



{MyString.Trim()} // Removes leading and trailing spaces




{"Test".ToUpper()} // Converts the value to upper case "TEST"




{MyString.Length} // Returns the length of the string - if the value of MyString is "Test" then the method will return 4



For numerical expressions, you could use any of the following examples:



{Math.Round(MyValue, 2)} // Rounds the value to two decimal places




{Math.Sqrt(MyValue)} // Returns the square root of MyValue




{MyValue.ToString() + " times"} // Converts the number to a string and adds the word "times" -

                         // if MyValue is 5 this returns "5 times"



There are no limits to the number of Framework methods you can access - if they are available within .NET for the type you are using in a report, you can use them without restriction.