System Variables

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System Variables

Stimulsoft Reports offers to use system variables in expressions. System variables are variables which provide information about the current status of a report. The following system variables are available:


Column – Returns the current column number (starts from 1);

Line – Returns the current line number (starts from 1). Used for numbering lines in reports. Numbering for each group goes separately;

LineThrough – Returns the current line number (starts from 1). Unlike the Line variable it returns lines from the beginning of the report, without report groupings;

LineABC - Returns the alphabetical analog of the current line number;

LineRoman - Returns the current line number in Roman numerals;

GroupLine - Returns the current group line number (starts from 1);

PageNumber – Returns the current page number (starts from 1). Used for numbering pages;

PageNumberThrough - Returns the current page number (starts from 1). When the PageNumberThrough is used, the ResetPageNumber property is ignored and numbering starts from the beginning of a report.

PageNofM – Returns a localized string, showing "Page N of M" where N is the current page number and M is the TotalPageCount of a report:



Page {PageNumber} of {TotalPageCount}



This variable is a combination of system variables PageNumber and TotalPageCount, i.e. will output the sequence number of a page in respect of the total number of pages.


PageNofMThrough - Returns a localized string, showing "Page N of M" where N is the current page number and M is the TotalPageCount of a report. When the PageNofMThrough property, the ResetPageNumber property is ignored and numbering starts from the beginning of a report.

TotalPageCount – Returns the number of pages in a report;

TotalPageCountThrough - Returns the number of pages in a report;

IsFirstPage - Returns true, if, in the current moment, the first page of a report is printed;

IsFirstPageThrough - Returns true, if, in the current moment, the first page of a report is printed. When calculating the IsFirstPageThrough, all ResetPageNumber properties are ignored and numbering starts from the beginning of a report. For correct calculation of a variable it is required to execute two passes.;

IsLastPage - Returns true, if, in the current moment, the last page of a report is printed. For correct calculation of a variable it is required to execute two passes;

IsLastPageThrough - Returns true, if, in the current moment, the last page of a report is printed. When calculating the IsLastPageThrough, all ResetPageNumber properties are ignored and numbering starts from the beginning of report. For correct calculation of a variable it is required to execute two passes.;

ReportAlias - Returns the alias of a report. You can change the ReportAlias with help of the ReportAlias property of a report;

ReportAuthor - Returns the author of a report. You can change ReportAuthor with help of the ReportAuthor property of a report;

ReportChanged -The Date when a report was changed;

ReportCreated - The Date when a report was created;

ReportDescription - Returns the description of a report. You can change the ReportName with help of the ReportDescription property of a report;

ReportName - Returns the name of a report. You can change the ReportName with help of the ReportName property of a report;

Time – Returns the current time;

Today – Returns the current date;