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Welcome to the online documentation for CORE-GS and its associated modules / add-ins.  

As with any software, our products are constantly evolving as a result of user requests and feedback.

If you cannot find the required information, or it appears to be out-of-date, please contact our support team.



CORE-GS is a projects data system, designed to build team collaboration by improving data accessibility & reuse, forming an integral part of any BIM system, allowing capture of investigation (i.e. geotechnical & geoenvironmental), laboratory and construction data (i.e. earthworks) in one place.

It contains generic tools to capture and report virtually any data, across virtually any engineering discipline, with specialized tools allowing the visualization and assessment of spatial data.  

The system covers:

Data Review - review of existing data, including nearby projects (internal) and data from other external providers.

Scheduling - based on existing data, works can be planned and visualized.

Site Work - during the site works phase, data may be generated from many sources including contractors, site visits, laboratories.  

Analysis - data can be analyzed internally using processes developed into SQL, or imported from 3rd party analytical tools.

Reporting - factual (in-situ / laboratory) and analytical data can visualized together in reports and models/sections.

Archive - on completion of a project data can be exported to various industry standard formats for archive.



CORE-GS has been designed around ease of use for standard users, while maintaining advanced functionality for those that need to do more.

There are two versions of the base product, plus optional add-ins to extend the system with specialized capabilities.



CORE-GS | Standard

oData Module - data entry,  import / export (AGS, XML, Excel, CSV and Access (incl. gINT)) & report generation

oReport Module - report design & report generation

oVisualisation Module - generate basic models from the database


CORE-GS | Professional - all of the features of CORE-GS | Standard, plus

oVisualisation Module - generate complex models from the database and external sources, with any number of sections

oScripts - the ability to run stored procedures defined in the database to perform checks or process data



oSYNC Add-in - provides bi-directional synchronization of data between a central hub database and multiple spoke devices

oADT Add-in - provides specialist tools to import data from data providers and analytical software, and the ability to perform bulk import / export operations

oCPT Add-in - provides specialist tools to import and manage raw CPT data