Log Columns allow depth related data to be presented within a specified area of the Log Body on the Log Page. Log Columns are made up of two components; Log Column Container and Log Column Data.
TIP: It is often easiest to copy an existing Log Column (with all of its components) from another Report and paste it into the new report. All that must then be done is to set the Master Component, as this is set to Not Assigned during the operation.
Firstly add a Log Column Container to the Log Body:
Add a Log Column Data component to the Log Column Container. This will load the Data Setup form; on the Data Source tab select the table from which data is to come from, in this case SPT:
On the Relation tab select the relationship that exists between the POINT table and the Data Source table (usually POINT_[DataSource], in this case Points_SPT:
On the Master Component tab select the Log Body component:
TIP: Often it is worthwhile explicitly setting the name of the Log Body component to something that is easy to identify. To do this select the Log Body component in the designer and change the Name property in the Property Grid.
Set the Sort to the Depth column (most commonly TOP, with the exception of laboratory tables where SAMPLE_TOP or SPECIMEN_TOP is to be used):
Do not set a Filter , click OK.
With the Log Column Data band selected set the Locked property to true. This locks the Log Column Data band to the Log Column Container preventing inadvertently moving it from the container.
Once this is done you have successfully created a Log Column, and can now start placing dynamic components .
TIP: To move the Log Column, simply select and drag the Log Column Container's bottom part.
Must be set to the Table where data is to come from
[Not Assigned]
Must be set to the correct Relation, if the parent table is POINT then the relation name will likely begin with "POINT_[Data Source]" where table name is the Table set in the Data Source above
Master Component
[Not Assigned]
Must be set to the band on which the column is placed, most often the Log Body band.
[Not Assigned]
Must be set to the Depth column of the Table set in the Data Source, most often this is the TOP column with the exception of tables in the Laboratory group where this would be SAMPLE_TOP or SPECIMEN_TOP
[No Filters]
Change is NOT suggested - limits the reports being plotted
Can be changed by typing the value in the Property Grid or dragging the bottom edge to a new position.
Solid | Transparent
Sets the background color styling
Borders are generally not used on Log Body bands, but can be useful during design to check the extent of rendering
[No Conditions]
It is not recommended to add conditions to Log Body bands
Component Style
(not set)
If component styles are being used in a report this property can be used to quickly update the components style
Use Parent Style
If True the style of the Page is used for the style of the Log Body band
It is suggested that this property is changed to one that can be easily identified when setting Master Components during design of Column Data bands
(not set)
Can be set if Alias names are being used during design
It is suggested that Allow Delete and Allow Move are set to False
Can be set to True to prevent any changes to its position from being made