Data managers

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Data managers

Various data manager controls are provided to allow the user to make changes to how the data is presented in the model viewport.

Managers are provided for:

Each entity in a model is associated to a single layer, typically representing entities of a similar data type.  These layers are shown in the Layers Manager where the editability and visibility of each layer can be changed, affecting all of the entities on the layer at the same time.

The Images Manager is provided to simplify the use of images which differ in configuration and use to other entities.

Materials (3D only)
The Materials Manager provides access to tools that can be used to group geological layers in a model.  These groups can be used to generate gridded surfaces representing layer boundaries.

Surfaces (3D only)
Gridded surfaces co-exist in both the Surfaces and Layers Managers at the same time. The Surfaces Manager provides access tools that can be used to control surface-to-surface relationships.