Creating & editing features

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Creating & editing features

Features can be created using the feature map on the Record Navigator.


Supported features include:


Line (aka path)

Area (aka polygon)

Point feature positions are tightly integrated with the Coordinate Conversion system, providing bi-directional position replication of changes between the feature map and data grid to ensure that any defined coordinate data is up-to-date.

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Create (or update) a feature from a placemark

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Create (or update) a point feature

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Create a line feature

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Create an area feature

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Move features (point, line & polygon)

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Edit feature vertices (line & polygon)

hmtoggle_arrow1How To: Edit feature properties (line & polygon)