Section area

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Section area

The Section Area renders a view of the current section viewport, with the resulting section centered on the mid-point of the area.


The width property of the Section Area defines the maximum width that can be used in drawings with allowance for line ticks, axis labels and titles:


The height property of the Section Area does not limit the height shown in drawings.  Use the vertical factor in the Alignment Settings to control this:


Spacing between horizontal and vertical grid lines is defined in the Alignment Settings.


Section Settings can be shown by double-clicking the Section Area or clicking the Settings button with an Section Area selected.




The PointID tab provides settings that change the text shown at the start of holes on sections:



Angle - sets the angle from vertical to draw the Data labels.

Offset - sets the vertical offset from the collar of the Data to the start of the text.

Height - sets the text height to draw the Data labels.

Color - sets the text color to draw the Data labels.


Axis Titles

Sets the text, position, offset, height and color of axis titles.

These settings are essentially the same for both the X-axis and Y-axis.


Text - sets the text that is used as the axis title.

Position - sets the position where the title is drawn.

Offset - sets the offset from the axis to the axis title.

Height - sets the text height of the axis title.

Color - sets the text color of the axis title.


Axis Lines

Sets the visible, weight, style, color and tick length of axis lines.

These settings are the same for both the X-axis and Y-axis.

The step between lines is defined in the Alignment Settings dialog.


Visible - indicates if the lines are visible.

Weight - sets the line weight.

Style - sets the line style (Solid, Dash, Dot).

Color - sets the line color.

Tick Length - sets the length of the tick that is drawn across the axis line.


Axis Labels

Sets the visible, position, offset, height and color of axis labels.

These settings are the same for both the X-axis and Y-axis.

The text and step between labels is defined in the Alignment Settings dialog.


Visible - indicates if the labels are visible.

Position - sets the position that the labels are drawn.

Offset - sets the offset from the axis to the labels.

Height - sets the text height of the labels.

Color - sets the text color of the labels.



Sets the visible, weight, style, color and sides properties of the border.


Visible - indicates if the border is visible.

Weight - sets the line weight used for the border.

Style - sets the line style (Solid, Dash, Dot) used for the border.

Color - sets the line color used for the border.

Sides - sets the sides of the border that are drawn.


hmtoggle_plus1How To:  Create a Section Area